Thursday, May 18, 2006

Scary shit

This is one of my best friend's myspace blog entry from today. He's a marine and served one tour of duty in Iraq. He's now stationed in California with his wife and 4 children. He was never political or remotely close to being right wing before he left for boot camp. Now he's Sean Hannity's love child. I think they brainwash people in boot camp. Anyways, check this scary shit out. I thought the whole "love it or leave it" thing went out of fashion with Vietnam, but I guess that spirit is alive and well. He also made the Hannity mistake of blaming the soldier funeral protests on liberals when we know it's that wacko reverend Fred Phelps doing it. He's not the best speller either, but don't hold that aginst him. I wasn't going to bother correcting it either, strictly copy and paste.

mood: annoyed
category: news and politics

Over the past few years, all I hear about is the American public do nothihing but bitch about how Bush is a bad leader, how our military shouldn't be in Iraq, and how all we are doing in Iraq is stealing oil. I remember right after 9/11, how all these people got pissed off about what had happened to our country, and the fact that we said we would hunt down the person responsible for it. here we are almost 5 years later, and our countries people have gone into their do things for myself and no one else phase. No one is telling you to fight this war. What pisses me off the most is seing our own people showing disrespect for our service members by having protests outside of their funerals, and saying how much they hate this country, and its leadership. How can you call yourself an American when you can't even show a little common courtesy for the people who fight for the rights and freedom that you have today. All these people think that they know how our government should be run, but they can't even voice it properly. I know that when I was in Iraq, I knew that if I were to die over there that at least my family would feel proud to know that I went out trying to provide other people with the same freedoms that we have today. All I see now is people making fun of our President, and you know what that tells the enemy? We can't even support ourselves, and that our country is weak. And all that is going to bring us is another 9/11! I think that all of these people who have nothing better to do, considering all the free time they have on their hands with protests and Bush bashing, they need to go and re-read our Constitution, our National Anthem, and our Pledge of Alligence. Thats what I fight for everyday while I serve my country in the Marines. I'm sure Paul Reveere didn't have anyone spit on him, or protest out side his home after he made his famous ride. I agree that being at war sucks, but it's something we all have to deal with. I guess what I'm trying to say here is this......IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND YOU LIVE HERE, THEN MOVE THE FUCK OUT! I know I don't want you here, and I know a hell of alot of people who feel the same way. No one is forcing you to stay here. Hell if you think that these people that we're fighting are such good people, then why don't you go move in with them.


Cpl Anonymous USMC



At 2:44 PM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

I love it when service men think they are dying to protect my freedom. What are they dying to protect me from in Iraq? Weapons that don't exist? Grow up, go to school, learn GRAMMAR, and shut the fuck up.

Dissent is not the same as disloyal.

I don't know why I'm commenting... he'll never read this.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

Well, here's an interesting development. My good friend Bobby, the author of this scary blog which I posted, sent me an email laden with personal attacks and threats to my person because of my opinion!! Here are a few gems from his email:

"And if I ever witness you protesting against our country, I will personally kick your ass."

"You have lost many of friends in the past due to your actions, and I have always been there. But this is one thing that I will not stand by and take lightly."

"Just remember this you tree hugging fucking hippy."

Whoa, these servicemen are sure wound up tight. Just for a brief history lesson, Bobby and I were VERY close friends, until he knocked up his hideous girlfriend because he "hates" using condoms and joined the Marines because the military is the default job for losers who can't afford to support anything. He became super-conservative and spent a tour of duty in Iraq and now lives in California with his wife (who he cheats on repeatedly) and his four children (this guy still doesn't use a condom or put his wife on the pill for fuck's sake).
After his email, I responded in kind and went to his myspace page where mysteriously he no longer appears under my myspace friends. Pretty pathetic that someone who is supposedly very patriotic and fights for this country can be so thin skinned when it comes to a difference of opinion. Here's his myspace link if you want a laugh and you can even respond to the original blog that made him want to end our friendship. His blog entry is called "Anti-american communist fucks" and it is somewhere near the top right corner. Why am I being so pissy right now? I don't take kindly to personal attacks and threats when none are necessary.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" ~ Thomas Jefferson

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

Oh, I love how he hates that the President is made fun of... as if this is something new. What President has the American public not made fun of?

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Aventius said...

but Bush was elected by God... that's more important


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