Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Notre Dame Fans:

You might be a Notre Dame fan if:

You are Catholic: For some reason, a lot of people think that just because you are Catholic, you have to be a Notre Dame football fan. Fortunately, all of these people are already Catholic. How does a team filled with a sizeable majority of non-catholic players inspire you to make such a ludicrous statement? Just because the University’s “religion” is Catholicism, doesn’t automatically mean you have to root for them.

You went to some joke Jr. College for gun repair: “Hey, my college didn’t have a football team (or a national accredited certificate) so it was the logical choice for me!” No, that’s not the logical choice for you. The logical choice for you is to ask me if I want paper or plastic or ask me if I want fries with that. Just because you didn’t have a college team at your “college” still doesn’t excuse the fact that you are a dick for picking Notre Dame. If this were the universal case, then everyone with a shit basketball team would be a Duke fan…..

Your sister/brother went there: See above and shut the fuck up.

You are Regis Philbin: 99.9999999999754% of you aren’t

You really like their tradition: What does that even mean? That they can be mediocre and still make it to a BCS game? That they have a nazi esque copyright on their “image?” That Sam wise Gamgee made a movie about some 5’4” fucker who couldn’t even whipe the asses of any other college team’s players and made it in for one fucking play? I already saw that movie and liked it better when it was called Rocky, and at least he was in for 15 rounds before he got the draw.



At 1:04 AM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

you forgot if you're Irish! that's the number one reason for dickeads. if they wanna be stereotypical about it, they might as well also have 13 kids, eat potatoes like bubba eats shrimp, never be sober, and all move to boston.

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Aventius said...

i believe it was two plays but good post. my dad gets offended when i say i hate notre dame. he once responded by saying.... "how can you hate notre dame? they're irish catholic" which my family is. ridiculous. i responded by saying that notre dame is evil just like catholicism. he didn't talk to me for a few days.

luckily my two brothers and i all hate notre dame with a passion.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Simon said...

Good Shit... I'll be blasting Zombie Nation in my den while we beat the shit out of A.J. Hawk's girlfriend's brother. By the way though, Rocky lost to Apollo in the first movie.


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