Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Hate Politicians

I'll tell you something that will never change, the older you get, the wiser you get. Unfortunately, this also destroys another truth, ignorance is bliss. The older I get, I can see the angles and understand intracacies of things on totally expanded levels compared to younger, simpler times. Not to pronounce that I know everything about the world, no not by any means; however, after living in the captial of our nation for 2 years and living in this country for 24 years, I have taken a keen interest on politics. Politics have shrank for me from our elected officials representing what the they think is right based on moral/ethical/financially sound decisions to what the people who will re-elect him/her think. So, having said this... wait for it, your brain might explode... HOW THE FUCK CAN POLITICIANS CARE ABOUT WHAT THE 11 MILLION ILLEGAL ... ILLEGAL MEANS THEY CANT VOTE!!!!!!!!!.......... THINK ABOUT IMMIGRATION, CITIZENSHIP, AND/OR AMNESTY?????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!! A recent Washington Post-ABC news poll said 85% of Americans think the nation has a problem with illegal immigration. Has anyone ever seen an election won with 15% of the votes? It just bothers me to no end that we are even pandering to these people.

Yes, this is a country of immigrants and they should be allowed in... legally; however, once they get here, they need to realize this is AMERICA not NEW NEW MEXICO. My father's Romanian and Austrian grandparents didn't demand that this country bow to whatever they wanted upon their arrival (i.e. making me read/speak Spanish to just order a fucking "Numero Uno" Big Mac in Bethesda, Maryland). Well, there weren't that many Romanian/Austrians coming over so shut up!!!! Well what about this MON FRER: For several decades, German migrants made up 20-25% of the country but we don't SPRECHEN SIE DEUTSCH or hear "Drucken Sie die Numer Drei fuer Deutsch" when we make telephone calls. Protesters in DC were protesting in Spanish to an English speaking Senate/House.... DUH! Those that could speak English demanded we give back the South West to Mexico! Ironically this would just mean that Mexican's would be crossing the border in Missouri to come mow someone's yard in Maryland for 15$.

These people are doing jobs that Americans don't want to do; ohk fine, but guess what, just because Americans don't "want" to do them, doesn't mean they wouldn't get done without illegals. That is a huge bullshit excuse that people throw out there to try and make themselves feel better. The fact is, economically and culturally, if you introduce and encourage a large, migrant, mostly poor group of people to come here who chose not to live an American lifestyle but purely exploit America for what it is, a leaking piggy bank, then it will be exponentially detrimental to our country's future. Imagine that these 11 million people who are mostly poor go on with the trends of poorer societies having more children. In 15 years we could have 15-20% of our population who is poor and doesn't even speak English holding their hands out for money while our generation already has to pay for the social security for the generation before us (which alone could bankrupt the country) just so we can pay a Mexican gardner 15$ to mow our lawn when the neighbors kid would have done it for 10$ anyway.

Way to go politicians! Go with the 11 million illegals who can't vote for you and 15% of the populace that apparently is against us doing something about the illegal immigration policy and pass your "Amnesty" program for Mexicans while snubbing every other person who is/has tried to get into the country the legal way. I quit!

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At 2:46 PM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

What horse will drink from a dry well? Imprison and fine the employers of illegals like you would go after a drug dealer. When they see they can't get around the laws by getting paid under the table, they'll stop coming. The plan now is idiotic. If you pay your back taxes you can become a citizen... Or, you can keep your back taxes and get free education and healthcare! What the hell would you do? Maybe 20% of the 10 million will come forward but I doubt even that much.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

amnesty? didn't reagan give amnesty? did it teach illegals to go through the proper channels and come here legally? nope. it probably only encouraged them.

fuck the "pressio numero dos para espanol"

At 4:39 PM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

it cracks me up how white Americans expect other countries to learn English so that when we visit/work in another country, it is easier for us, but we also demand that tourists who come here learn English to make it easier for us.

While you bring up valid points when it comes to immigration, it pisses me off to NO END when whitey demands others to "speak english." Do you know what the official language of the US is? WE DON'T HAVE ONE. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS EXCEPT FOR ALL FIVE NATIVE AMERICANS LEFT!! Do you seriously expect every ethnic group in this country to abandon their cultural heritage? Language is an important aspect of culture and identity and while immigrants want to become citizens, how dare you ask them to deny to themselves who they are just so you have an easier time ordering a number 1 meal at mcdonalds!

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

of we want everyone to know english. we're lazy. and so is everyone else. nobody likes learning more than one language. nobody wants to do more work. its not whitey, it would be whoever was in the majority. i'm sure chinese (in china) don't want to learn spanish either.

and, i have a legal right to "want" them to speak english... it may not be official but dammit, it is. have any of your classes at penn state (aside from language classes) been in swahili? or german? or portugese? nope, they're in english. how many road signs have you seen in italian? none. the national language, although unofficial is english and as the a voting member of the society, i want it to remain that way. why? i don't want to learn another language.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

i honestly think we should pass an ammendment mandating english as the official language. and why? because I want to oppress other cultures? nope. its because i'm lazy and as an American, I'm permitted to be lazy and vote that way.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

I'm not saying that I want them to suppress their culture and make them learn english. I just don't want to be forced to speak Spanish! Tell me how successful you could be in this country and NOT speak English. It is not me being a racist screaming white aryan, its me being practical. I don't want to pay your welfare check because you can't get a job due to your poor language abilities when millions of other immigrants to this country "assimilated" to our culture (which language is a part of). You know doctors and policemen in big cities are forced to take spanish just so they can communicate with the people who are here illegally (or legally) that do not want to assimilate to our culture? I'm not saying that they should suppress their culture but when I walk into a man's house, I don't start taking down all the pictures of his family and put mine up while yelling at his wife to make me a meatloaf in German. Assimilate is not the same as suppress. Ask Noah Webster if you are confused. At the initial rallies, they were waving Mexican flags asking for "amnesty" and rights. Then some wise guy said, you'll probably be more effective if you wave American flags. First impressions are a doozy for me. 100,000's of people waving another countries flag and asking for rights from another is ignorant, rude, and a little hillarious.

p.s. Americans that demand that other countries speak English when they travel are also rude, ignorant, and a little hillarious.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

the thing i found funny about the protests last week was this:

all the illegals storming our cities, demanding amnesty yet carrying flags of their home countries. thats fucking retarded.

identifying yourself as mexican, cuban, lkajsf-istani, waving your respective flag and then demanding a different country to allow you to become an american. quite hilarious. if i was them, i would have been waving an american flag.

furthermore, does anyone else think they should have been all arrested and deported for breaking the immigration laws? i don't care if they are good hardworking people. they broke the law coming here. have you looked at mexico's immigration policy? it allows common citizens to arrest illegals and turn them over to the police so that they can be jailed or deported.

lastly, amnesty is not a solution. reagan provided amnesty in the 80s. what was the point? it only encouraged illegal immigration.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

true... its not important. but if it comes up, i'm going to have an opinion. the difference is that i'm not going to actually take any action. i'd rather just sit by and laugh at both sides.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

my main point in insisting they speak/learn english is that when they go to our public schools for free (they don't pay taxes) they actually have the balls to demand that they be taught in spanish! It's like me going into Bobby Brown's house and slapping Whitney! I also hate the "doing jobs Americans won't do" or as Vicente Fox said "Not even black people would do." I recall less then 10 years ago, this country was doing just fine with Americans building roads/houses/schools, Americans picking crops/cleaning toilets/valeting cars. I also feel like this is a wedge issue Hamburger; however, for a president who is "tough on national security" to allow 11 million people who we have absolutley no idea who they are into the country at a rate of 10k and actual support ways to keep them here or allow/encourage the activity is a little hillarious

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

its 10k per day*

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

This is all west coast stuff. You're in your NYC bubble :) I have famliy in Monterey California and people in districts there want spanish to be taught as the primary language offering english as a foreign language. Several schools have been close to passing this but none have yet.


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